Mission / History
We have a vision. To see inner-city families equipped with the support, resources, and skills needed to overcome and break the poverty cycle. To see children succeeding scholastically and growing rich in the Gospel.
Changing Lives One Child at a Time.
Founded in 1982, Voice of Hope has served West Dallas and the surrounding community for 40 years. Our non-profit has a rich history in the West Dallas community where we have changed lives of children and families throughout the years.
Mission: Voice of Hope Ministries exists to extend the love of Jesus Christ by nurturing and training children through Biblical teaching, Christian character models, life skills coaching and educational support.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Voice of Hope children will become adults who are:
Our children and youth will become career and college ready, and ultimately contributors to the economic vitality of their communities and world.
Our children and youth will be exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and sound Biblical discipleship, so that their hearts are transformed, and so that they are equipped to live an informed, committed, and passionate life for Christ and His kingdom mission.
Voice of Hope children and youth will develop a Christ-like concern for their communities, both local and worldwide, and will responsibly give back to these communities above and beyond what they themselves were given.