Redeeming STEM
Welcome to the Voice of Hope Redeeming STEM program!
Parent Testimonial

"I think it's a great opportunity for Cerenity to be a part of the STEM program. It's educating, fun, and exciting! Her big brother who is now a sophomore in college was also a part of STEM."
Scholar Testimonial

"I like learning about women who are in science careers and doing the experiments. I learned that you can learn more about God by studying His creation through science!"
Stories of Hope - The Story of Deja
Being in 6th grade can be tough. Just the utterance of the word “middle school is enough to bring back not so pleasant memories for many of us… Now add a worldwide pandemic, closed schools and online classes to that and well… enough said.
Deja, one of our Redeeming STEM Scholars comes from an exceptionally large family. She has 10 siblings. She is one of the 5 girls and 6 boys in her family.
But Deja is a sixth grader with hopes, dreams, and goals. Deja Wants to be a veterinarian. She had known that since she was 5 years old, she saw a friend’s dog that was extremely sick, and it broke her heart. She says that she knew immediately that that is what she wanted to do with her life “Help Animals.”
Kids have dreams about what they want to be all the time. That is a given, but the question is how we as a community help Deja realize her dream. Deja is fortunate to be a part of a wonderful program at VOICE of Hope. It is called Redeeming STEM. It is an afterschool program that focuses on teaching girls of color about STEM, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. These are subjects that have been traditionally taught and encouraged for boys.
At Redeeming STEM, the girls are offered more than just a place to enrich their STEM skills they also study the bible and learn about God’s promise and plan for their lives. They are fed healthy meals and snacks and of course they can make friends and create lasting relationships.
When asked what her favorite thing about Voice of Hope she answers quickly and without any hesitance, “You can be your real self here!” I have always loved it here, she adds. “I can remember coming to the Voice of Hope when I was little girl. We used to come a read books with the volunteers. It was so fun. I met One of my best friends Jordan here and we are still friends today!”
Voice of Hope has done so much over the years. There are hundreds of stories like Deja’s.
We will be sharing more in the weeks and months to come. It is another way for us to show the world what Voice of Hope can and will continue to do… One Child at a time.
For the successful implementation and sustainability of this program, Voice of Hope is seeking assistance from a variety of sponsors and volunteers. You can:
1) Be a Corporate Sponsor – Is your business, community organization, or volunteer group engaged in the STEM world or interested in being? Consider sponsoring the program by providing tours, activities, supplies, and volunteer team members to support our kids!
2) Be a Volunteer – Do you have skills and experience in science, tech, math, engineering, or project management, team building, and youth engagement? Consider serving on a Guidance Team to help a cohort of students reach their goals! Or you can be a guest speaker sharing about your experience and/or interest in STEM!
3) Be a Financial Sponsor – help us provide for the financial needs of the Redeeming STEM program!
If you are interested in supporting Redeeming STEM in any of these ways, or you would like more information about the program, please contact Craig Panza at