Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in supporting the mission ​and the children and families at Voice of Hope.​

Please complete the form below to create a volunteer profile and get started as a volunteer at Voice of Hope!

Once you have completed your application, a background check will be processed as per the State of Texas requirements for Child Care and After-School programs. Your Date of Birth, Social Security number, and a local mailing address is required.
You will be notified by email when your background check is complete and can sign up for available volunteer shifts.
Dress Code: Casual Conservative, no short-shorts and no tank tops.
This may change depending on the activity please check your volunteer job description for specific details.
Please contact the Volunteer Department if you have any questions or problems with your application at
volunteer@voiceofhope.org or 214.631.7027 ext 120

Please note we will need to make a copy of your photo ID for our records. Be sure to bring your ID or a copy with you on your first volunteer shift. Photo ID can be a driver’s license, state ID, Student ID etc.

Middle Name:

Preferred Name:

My preferred method of communication is:
Church Affiliation:
Are you a Christian?:
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):
Highest level of Education:
Occupation/Area of Study:
Name of School or Employer:
How did you hear about Voice of Hope?:
Volunteer Skills:
Volunteer Availability:
When can you begin?:
Describe why you wish to volunteer:
Age ranges I would like to work with:
I wish to volunteer with:
Where would you like to Volunteer?:
Name of Reference 1:
Years known for Reference 1:
Relationship to Reference 1:
Phone for Reference 1:
Name of Reference 2:
Years known for Reference 2:
Relationship to Reference 2:
Phone for Reference 2:
Emergency Contact Name:
Relationship to Emergency Contact:
Emergency Contact Phone:
Emergency Contact Address:
Emergency Contact Email:
You must list any other city in Texas where you have resided and any addresses, including county, where you have lived outside of Texas in the previous five years:
Any other names you have used:
ID Type:
ID Number:
ID Issuing State:
Required for age 14 and up. If under 14 input "none". SSN:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or are there any pending criminal charges agiast you, including deferred adjudication? Click here if yes:
Are you seeking a volunteer opportunity in order to comply with court-ordered commuinty service requirements? Click here if yes:
If court ordered, describe & # hours required:
Signature:By typing my name here it serves as my signature
Today's Date: